convert csv to json

Sample src of How to convert csv to json.
You can change csv file to json.
You can also add keys, convert string to integer, convert string to boolean.



import csv
import json
import sys

# change string(0/1) to Boolean(False/True)
def to_boolean(s):
    if(s == ""):
        return None
    if(s == "0"):
        return False
        return True
        raise ValueError("not boolean")

# main
args = sys.argv
jdata = {"field01":"hello", "filed02":"world", "country_records":[]}
r = open(args[1],"r")

d_reader = csv.DictReader(r)
d_list = [row for row in d_reader]

for row in d_list:
    row["population"] = int(row["population"])
    row["capital"] = to_boolean(row["capital"])

jdata["country_records"] = d_list
print(json.dumps(jdata, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2))